徐業良教授在元智大學服務30餘年,曾擔任多項行政主管職務,多次獲得校內教學、研究、服務獎項,三度獲頒有庠元智講座教授,並在2020年獲頒元智大學特聘教授。徐業良教授於2003年創立元智大學「老人福祉科技(gerontechnology)研究中心」,開創國內在此領域的學術研究,多次領導團隊執行國科會、經濟部、衛福部大型計畫。International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG) 1997年在荷蘭創立,徐教授爭取第九屆ISG世界年會於2014/06在台北舉辦,擔任大會主席,2016/09獲選擔任ISG國際學刊Gerontechnology總編輯,廣受國際學者認同。徐教授2015年執行經濟部「產學研價值創造計畫」,在計畫要求下帶領學生團隊成立新創公司「世大智科」,從研究開發進入生活應用,對老人福祉科技產品設計、創新創業有深刻經驗與體會。
National Taiwan University, Mechanical Engineering, BS, 1981/09-1985/06
Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, Design Division, MS, 1987/09-1988/06
Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, Design Division, Ph.D., 1989/07-1992/06
Current Positions
Founder / Chairperson, Seda G-Tech Co., Ltd, 2016/04 - present
Editor-in-Chief, Gerontechnology (official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology), 2016/09 - present
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Gerontechnology and Service Management (in Chinese), 2012/12 - present
Director, Gerontechnology Research Center, Yuan Ze University, 2003/01 - present
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 1992/08 - present
Academic Experience
International Knowledge Expert Committee, JAIN - Joint Artificial Intelligence Network, the Netherlands, 2024/01 - present
衛生福利部「高齡健康與長照研究策略規劃諮詢會」委員,Advisory Committee, “Research Strategy and Planning on Aging Health and Long-term Care,” Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, 2021/03 - present
Course Associate, GER 527 Technology in an Aging Society, Singapore University of Social Sciences, 2021/01 - present
Yuan Ze Distinguished Professor, 2020/01 - present
International Scientific Advisory Committee, Age-Well, Canada’s Technology and Aging Network, 2019/06 - present
Editor-in-Chief, Gerontechnology (official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology), 2016/09 - present
President, International Society of Gerontechnology, Sinophone Chapter, 2014/06 - present
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Gerontechnology and Service Management (in Chinese), 2012/12 - present
Co-Director, Italian Design Summer School, University of Bologna, 2010/02 - present
Director, Gerontechnology Research Center, Yuan Ze University, 2003/01 - present
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 2001/02 - present
IT Director, International Society for Gerontechnology, 2014/06 - 2022/12
President, Chinese Society of Gerontechnology and Service Management, 2013/01 – 2016/12
Vice President, International Society for Gerontechnology, 2014/06 - 2016/09
Associate Editor, Gerontechnology (official journal of International Society for Gerontechnology), 2011/08 - 2016/09
Chair, the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology, 2014/06
Executive Board, International Society for Gerontechnology, 2012/06 - 2014/06
Dean of Academic Affairs, Yuan Ze University, 2011/08 - 2012/07
Secretary General, Chinese Society of Gerontechnology and Service Management, 2010/01 - 2012/12
Secretary General, Yuan Ze University, 2005/08 - 2011/07
Member of the Presidential Search Committee of Yuan Ze University, 2005
Director, Office of Physical Education, Yuan Ze University, 2002/08 - 2005/07
Chairman, Department of Resource and Environment Science Technology, Yuan Ze University, 2002/08 - 2005/07
Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 1999/08 - 2005/07
Dean, Office of Information Services, Yuan Ze University, 1997/08 - 1999/07
Associate Dean, Office of Information Services, and Head Librarian, Yuan Ze University, 1996/08 - 1997/07
Director, Center of Teaching and Learning, Office of Academic Affairs, Yuan Ze University, 1995/08 - 1996/07
Chief, Curriculum Section, Office of Academic Affairs, Yuan Ze University, 1994/08 - 1995/07
Chief, International Cooperation Section, Office of Research and Development, Yuan Ze University, 1993/10 - 1994/07
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, 1992/08 - 2001/02
Industrial Experience
Columnist, 銀天下, 2023/06 - present
Columnist, ĀnkěCare 創新照顧, 2023/01 - present
Founder / Chairperson, Seda G-Tech Co., Ltd, 2016/04 - present
Director(董事), Y. Z. Hsu Medical Foundation 2014/07 - 2018/06
Columnist, Car Magazine, (汽車購買指南), 1995/06 - 2017/07
Inspector(監察人), Smart Care Inc., 2009/09 - 2011/11
Director(董事), TacBright Optronics Co., 2010/09 - 2011/07
Director(董事), Asia Cement Co., Ltd., 2002/06 - 2005/06
Individual Awards
2024, Grand Master, International Society for Gerontechnology
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 World's Top 2% Scientists, published by Stanford University
2020, Yuan Ze Distinguished Professor
2017, YZ Hsu Yuan Ze Chair Professor
2016, Yuan Ze University Award of Excellence in Research
2012, Taiwan Telecare Outstanding Contribution Award
2012, YZ Hsu Yuan Ze Chair Professor
2010, Yuan Ze University Innovation in Teaching Award
2007, YZ Hsu Yuan Ze Chair Professor
2006, Hiwin Thesis Award
2005, YZ Hsu Outstanding Professor Award
2004, Yuan Ze University Award of Excellence in Research
2001, Yuan Ze University Award of Excellence in Research
1995, Yuan Ze University Award of Excellence in Teaching
Research Interests
Smart product design
Professor Yeh-Liang Hsu has served 30+ years at Yuan Ze University (YZU), Taiwan, where he held various administrative positions. He won many teaching, research, and service awards on campus. He was awarded Y. Z. Hsu Chair Professor three times and was awarded YZU Distinguished Professor in 2020. Professor Hsu directed his research interest in mechanical design to gerontechnology and founded the Gerontechnology Research Center (GRC) in 2003, the pioneering research institute in this field in Taiwan. He has led the team for many large-scale research projects funded by the government and private sectors and has published many papers, books, and patents. Professor Hsu’s work in gerontechnology is also well-acknowledged internationally. He was the chairperson of the 9th World Conference of the International Society for Gerontechnolgy (ISG) in Taipei in 2014/06. He was appointed editor-in-chief of Gerontechnology, the official journal of the ISG, in 2016/09. In 2016, Professor Hsu moved one step forward and established a start-up company Seda GTech, going from R&D to products for daily applications.